Sunday, November 16, 2008

Katies Kute Kids

I got to tend Katies super cute kids Sunday night.  I guess Ryan should get a little credit for their cuteness since he was involved in their creation.  Luka is absolutly darling and the fact that he had a screaming, throw up, melt down, for about 45 minutes does not make me love him less.  That's how cute he is!  Spanky ate his binky and there was nothing Lenny and I could do to console him.  We even tried driving around the block. 

Frosting cookies is my favorite baby sitting activity.


If you come to Grandma Owens you get to play with the hat bag.


We did a treasure hunt, played jacks, old maid, and pick up sticks.   If I could just bottle their energy and sell it we would not have to worrry about a national energy crisis. 


The Skinners said...

I bet they had a lot of fun with you! They are some super cute kids.

Grammy said...

Thanks for enjoying my adorable grandchildren. I also enjoy playing games with them. They get such enjoyment from that. I love your hat bag idea. Perhaps I will have to copy you. As you know, you have always been my idol.

heidi said...

Spanky is so naughty, i would be mad to if he ate my prized posession to

Unknown said...

You are a dream come true. My kids had so much fun at your house. I am mortified that Luka was such a stinker. Thanks for all of your support through the past few weeks.