Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Man's Best Friend

Spanky is our Christmas poodle and Spikes replacement.  He likes people and ran after some walkers while he was out in the yard.  When Lenny called him, he ran back in front of a car and was hit.  Below is a picture of how the vet pinned his leg back together to the tune of $1,500.  After six weeks the pins came out the other day but I don't think Spanky learned a darn thing.  He still likes people.  I don't see it.  I would rather be with Spanky than most people I know:)

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Little Slice of Heaven

We had a great time in Yellowstone this weekend.  We saw a lot of Buffalo.

This field of flowers was breathtaking. It is just up from the river by our cabin. The squiggly purple line is flowers.  This picture doesn't do this scene justice.

Daniel all outfiitted to get skunked.

Why do you think Heidi is manning the backyard hose?  Because Lenny decided to burn the dead logs behind our cabin and the fire was alarmingly hot and the potential for spreading was making us very nervous!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Too Close for Comfort!/ Obviously in the Lord's Hands.

Jordan said the tornado that touched down in Manhatten was about a mile from his home.  He spent the night under the stairs listening to the storm howl.  He has been involved in the clean up.  He power-sawed trees and helped people muck out.  Again, he thinks it is exciting but then that is not his expensive car that was thrown around.

Jordan said that hearts were softened and miracle baptisms took place.

Only a ninteen year old can live through a tornado and miracles and still be silly.

I'm glad he is having fun.  Real life will begin soon enough.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Update on Elder JORDO!

Jordan wrote that he is enjoying the life threatening weather (floods and tornadoes) that he is experiencing in Kansas.  He thinks it is exciting. He hasn't really told us how bad it is, only hinted.  He loves the work and has scheduled a couple more baptisms in a week.  In every letter he talks about how hard it will be to be transferred and is already dreading coming home.  He is so happy and so that makes us so happy.  

Jordan's first baptism. Samantha Pulinski.

Jordan is looking good in his new tie.

Jordan has really connected with Louis the lady in the black.  He hopes she will be baptized.

The Field is White and Ready to Harvest!