Monday, June 16, 2008

Too Close for Comfort!/ Obviously in the Lord's Hands.

Jordan said the tornado that touched down in Manhatten was about a mile from his home.  He spent the night under the stairs listening to the storm howl.  He has been involved in the clean up.  He power-sawed trees and helped people muck out.  Again, he thinks it is exciting but then that is not his expensive car that was thrown around.

Jordan said that hearts were softened and miracle baptisms took place.

Only a ninteen year old can live through a tornado and miracles and still be silly.

I'm glad he is having fun.  Real life will begin soon enough.


heidi said...

Glad to see the pictures. He really is amazing. I'm so glad that he is have good experiences and being blessed with safety in the process.

Monica said...

It is scary for you, but what a great opportunity to serve the people and get to know and love them even more! He looks great! I'm glad that he is having fun too, it seems like he gets along well with his companion, which makes such a difference!

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

I've been blog stalking! It sounds like your family is doing great. I'm happy Jordan made it through the storm.

Unknown said...

those last two pictures are hysterical! Ryan's best friend lives in Liberty and is keeping an eye out for Jordan if he comes his way!

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

We are in cedar Hills up above Alpine. We are great! My parents are in Bountiful. Next time my mom and I go to Logan we'll have to come see you.

Krista and Aaron said...

Wow! He sure was watched over. I love reading about his experience! Its so cool to see him as a missionary. What an example.

Grammy said...

He will always have a special place in my heart! Glad he is growing in so many ways. I love the photos. Thanks so much for sharing.

Rosie Moncrief said...

Hey its Rosie, cookie's sister!! Wow, I can't believe how grown up Jordan is. I haven't seen him since I was in high school! Glad he's safe.