Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Faith precedes the miracle!

I had lunch with some incredible women.  We ate at Paradise Bakery.  Kind of ironic because life has not been exactly a paradise for them.  They are Steel Magnolias.  They have all had a huge impact on me as I have watched how they handle mortality.  I love each one of them "more than my luggage."

LaRue is passionate about life.  She is nursing Brent through chemo and getting a real perspective on the refiners fire. 

Karla has done really hard things but always remains  tenaciously cheerful. (Just a little side note.  One of the most fun things I have ever done is watch Steel Magnolias with Karla.)
Heidi has a demanding job with liability around every corner. I like her common sense approach to life.

Julie is learning to get back up when life knocks her down.  It isn't easy to be a single mom but Julie is doing it and going to school to boot.  She has goals and is moving forward.


Kori said...

You definitely were in the presence of greatness....but, they were, too!

The Skinners said...

I must agree with what you wrote about everyone. Your family is all so amazing and I love each of these women too... including you!

julie said...

I am honored to be called a Steel Magnolia! I have truly been blessed to know such wonderful women in my life. When Grandma was dying and we were all together is the first time that I really knew what I was supposed to do. I remember sitting there with all the wonderful women in our family and thinking my girl needs to grow up knowing these people! I am truly blessed by all the "Harris" women. Love you!

Alice Faye said...

I can't begin to tell you the influence your family has had on me. All of you came into my life at a most impressionable time and I will always love you for it. I just wish we could be closer, especially in this day when the world seems to be changing so much. Would you consider moving all your family to Tennessee?

Grammy said...

Oh, dear Janet! How I love you! It was so good to see you. I truly could not do the hard things life hands out without your unwaivering support and advice. YOu are such a great sounding board... And just let me say this: "I promise that I will not let my own personal tragedy interfere with my ability to do good hair."