Monday, February 4, 2008

Jordan's Letter and Snow

We received Jordan's first letter and he assured us twice that he was "still alive" and that "it was not that bad". He said the Spirit was strong his testimony was strong and his loving nature would pull him through. The MTC is the best place for a 19 year old boy to be. Oh the great plan of HAPPINESS! Feburary 3, 2008. Lots and lots of snow and more in the forecast for this week. You just have to appreciate the seasons in Cache Valley. We will cozy up to the gas log and watch the presidential candidates debate.


Nikki said...

That snow looks AWFUL - yuck! I am also glad that Jordan is alive. I am not sure why he thinks the MTC will kill him.

heidi said...

oh my goodness, i wont complain about the 2 inches of snow we got down here. Of course jordans fine, if he can live through growing up as an Owens, he can live through the MTC! :)

Grammy said...

Love the missionary report. Keep them coming. So glad the snow is in YOUR yard and not in MINE. We have had a strong rain today, and I can put up with that - even enjoy it.

Unknown said...

Can you seriously believe the snow this winter???