Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cherubs ?

Don't let this angelic poise fool you. They are scrubbed and polished and ready for primary and the nursery but would have nothing to do with it. Their father was all too ready to return home and play hooky with them at their first wimper, leaving a disgruntled nursery leader with a bad image of my grandchildren who "made the other children cry too!"


heidi said...

Don't forget that it was the very same wimper that also led to the finding of the oven fire that could have claimed your whole house if the rest of us hadn't also taken the same opportunity to play hooky. As for the nursey leader, if she wasn't so mean then the children wouldn't have to cry.

Unknown said...

Ryan loves when the kids won't cooperate at "other" church meetings as well- it is a free tick out of there.